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 Website Happy Day 5K 2012 004 

Republic, MO - The First Annual Happy Feet 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run was held Saturday, April 21, 2012 at the Republic Community Center. Proceeds from this event went to the Republic Resource Pregnancy Center. 

There was over 100 participants who came out to support a great cause.  The Calvary Baptist Church made this event a huge success with hard work and dedication.  During and after the race, several participants, friends and family members enjoyed bouncing around in the bounce house and tried several of the goodies at the bake sale!!  Plus, participants enjoyed plenty of refreshments after completing their event.

Thank you to all of the volunteers & participants for coming out and supporting the Calvary Baptist Church and Republic Resource Pregnancy Center.  Join us next year for the Happy Feet 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run, Saturday, April 20, 2013! 

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pdfHappy Feet 5K Overall Report

pdfHappy Feet 5K Age Group Report