Events: Half Marathon, Full Marathon, 4 Person Marathon Relay, 6 Hour Run.
Benefiting: Proceeds benefit the Good Samaritan Boys Ranch and the Ozark Mountain Ridge Runners.
Location: Starts and finishes at Parking Lot #24, Kings and Grand, MSU Campus, Springfield, MO (1/4 mile SW of intersection of National & Grand).
Results (Final)
Event Details
Event Start Time: All events will begin at 10AM
Packet Pickup/Walk Up Registration: Friday, December 28th at Fleet Feet Sports, 1254 E. Republic Road in Springfield from 3PM to 7PM.
Race Day Registration/Packet Pick Up: Saturday, December 29th from 8AM to 9:30AM at the start/finish line.
Race Location: Starts and finishes at Parking Lot #22 (Kings and Grand), Missouri State University Campus, Springfield, MO (1/4 mile SW of intersection of National and Grand).
Age Restrictions: To run the marathon or 6 hour event you must be 18 or over on race day. To run half marathon you must be 13 or over on race day.
Fees (Online Registration includes Credit Card Processing Fee):
Now through 10/31 — 1/2 $55; Full $75; 4 Person Relay $160; 6 Hour Endurance $85
11/1-11/30 — 1/2 $60; Full $80; 4 Person Relay $165; 6 Hour Endurance $90
12/1-12/18 — 1/2 $65; Full $85; 4 Person Relay $175; 6 Hour Endurance $95
Race Day — 1/2 $75; Full $95; 4 Person Relay $185; 6 Hour Endurance $105
Parking: Ample free university parking can be found immediately SW of National and Grand for the race.
Shirts: Each participant gets a UniSex technical shirt. Must be registered by 12/15/18 to be guaranteed a shirt.
Medals: Custom ranch medals for all half marathon, marathon and marathon relay finishers. 6 Hour participants get a super sweet finisher trophy!
Course: Flat & very fast! This course is a certified 3.275 mi loop so that the marathon is exactly 8 loops and the half marathon is exactly 4 loops. Very clear directional arrows will be posted along the course. All race distances are certified.
Aid Stations: Power drink, water, Honey Stinger gels and toilets every 1.5 miles
Food & Fun: Free food and drinks for all finishers.
**No dogs allowed on course**
Awards & Medals
Awards: Awards to first Overall, Masters (40+) males and females in the half marathon and marathon. Awards to top three in ten-year age groups in both events.
Marathon Relay awards will include Overall Male Team, Overall Female Team and Overall Co-Ed Team.
Awards to the top 3 males and top 3 females in the 6 hour endurance event.
Missouri State University
King and Grand Street
Springfield, MO