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September 30, 2023 @ 9:00 AM
Artboard 1@2x.png
Mercy Aurora and Cassville Run to Care
Mercy Aurora Clinic
Aurora MO
5K1 Mile
September 24, 2022 @ 9:00 AM
Mercy Aurora and Cassville Run to Care
Mercy Aurora Clinic
Aurora MO
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DEBUG: conditional content

This is a test module for placing content based on the status of the event. We are sorry you are seeing this during our testing. Please ignore.
/var/www/clients/client2/web40/web/tmp/regularlabs/custom_php/647980_e8b8d4d0ff86d8a9d3cf8314d8f1ab3c:17:string 'Girls on the Run 5K' (length=19)
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850 South Kings Avenue

West of McDonald Arena

', '_contact' => 'Trish at ', '_extra_info' => '', '_color' => '', '_published' => 1, '_multiday' => 1, '_noendtime' => 1, '_catid' => 176, '_icsid' => 1, '_repeats' => NULL, '_nextRepeat' => false, '_prevRepeat' => false, '_ev_id' => 911, '_uid' => '78d3657de60e1aa0fa2b549b2c0f547b', '_refreshed' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '_created' => '2024-03-01 05:00:27', '_created_by' => 74, '_created_by_alias' => '', '_modified_by' => 74, '_rawdata' => '', '_recurrence_id' => '', '_detail_id' => 913, '_state' => 1, '_lockevent' => 0, '_author_notified' => 0, '_access' => 1, '_tzid' => '', '_rp_id' => 972, '_eventid' => 911, '_eventdetail_id' => 913, '_duplicatecheck' => '7f3d46187b01033bccb3b57d718f8006', '_startrepeat' => '2024-05-04 10:00:00', '_endrepeat' => '2024-05-04 23:59:59', '_rr_id' => 817, '_freq' => 'none', '_until' => 0, '_untilraw' => '', '_count' => 1, '_rinterval' => 1, '_bysecond' => '', '_byminute' => '', '_byhour' => '', '_byday' => 'SA,+1SA', '_bymonthday' => '', '_byyearday' => '', '_byweekno' => '', '_bymonth' => '', '_bysetpos' => '', '_wkst' => '', '_irregulardates' => array ( ), '_evdet_id' => 913, '_dtstart' => 1714834800, '_dtstartraw' => '', '_duration' => 0, '_durationraw' => '', '_dtend' => 1714885199, '_dtendraw' => '', '_dtstamp' => '', '_class' => '', '_categories' => '', '_description' => '

At Girls on the Run we inspire girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them one of a kind. Trained coaches lead small teams through our research-based curricula which includes dynamic discussions, activities and running games. Over the course of the ten-week program, girls in 3rd-8th grade develop essential skills to help them navigate their worlds and establish a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness. The program culminates with girls positively impacting their communities through a service project and being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5K event.

For more information and to get registered CLICK HERE

', '_geolon' => 0.0, '_geolat' => 0.0, '_priority' => 0, '_status' => '', '_summary' => 'Girls on the Run 5K', '_organizer' => '', '_url' => '', '_sequence' => 0, '_modified' => '2024-03-01 05:00:27', '_hits' => 121, '_loc_id' => 104, '_privateevent' => 0, '_catids' => '176', '_evrawdata' => 'a:89:{s:3:"UID";s:32:"78d3657de60e1aa0fa2b549b2c0f547b";s:11:"X-EXTRAINFO";s:0:"";s:8:"LOCATION";s:3:"104";s:6:"GEOLON";d:0;s:6:"GEOLAT";d:0;s:11:"allDayEvent";s:3:"off";s:7:"CONTACT";s:27:"Trish at ";s:11:"DESCRIPTION";s:760:"

At Girls on the Run we inspire girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them one of a kind. Trained coaches lead small teams through our research-based curricula which includes dynamic discussions, activities and running games. Over the course of the ten-week program, girls in 3rd-8th grade develop essential skills to help them navigate their worlds and establish a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness. The program culminates with girls positively impacting their communities through a service project and being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5K event.

For more information and to get registered CLICK HERE

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Everyone (male, female, young and old) is welcome at the Girls on the Run 5k on May 4, 2024! Runners at all skill levels will enjoy this event as they run alongside participants of the Girls on the Run program in their end of season 5k. This event is family friendly, with our pre-race celebrations starting at 8:30AM followed by the 5K at 10AM

For more information and to get registered CLICK HERE


Finisher Medals

Overall Male & Female, Masters Male & Female

Top 2 in each Age Division: 14 & Under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & Over

";s:19:"custom_Event_Status";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:23:"custom_Online_Event_URL";s:25:"";s:21:"custom_termsofservice";s:34:"Default Terms of Service Agreement";s:22:"custom_evoportalaccess";s:1:"0";s:34:"custom_eventnotificationsfrequency";s:1:"0";s:15:"custom_evoscore";s:1:"0";s:20:"custom_evonewsletter";s:1:"0";s:28:"custom_external_registration";s:0:"";s:20:"custom_SurveyEnabled";s:1:"1";s:23:"custom_SurveyExpiration";s:10:"03/01/2024";s:24:"custom_SurveyExpiration2";s:0:"";s:17:"custom_Course_Map";s:0:"";s:23:"custom_course_elevation";s:1:"0";s:22:"custom_raceresultsflag";s:1:"0";s:23:"custom_raceresultsfinal";s:1:"0";s:22:"custom_raceresultshtml";s:0:"";s:23:"custom_racetimingmethod";s:4:"chip";s:24:"custom_enableliveresults";s:1:"0";s:24:"custom_milesplit_enabled";s:1:"0";s:24:"custom_milesplit_eventid";s:0:"";s:22:"custom_resultsfiletype";s:1:"0";s:16:"custom_rsvp_evid";s:1:"0";s:29:"custom_rsvp_allowregistration";s:1:"0";s:18:"custom_rsvp_params";s:0:"";s:25:"custom_rsvp_sessionaccess";s:2:"-1";s:32:"custom_rsvp_sessionaccessmessage";s:0:"";s:20:"custom_rsvp_capacity";s:1:"0";s:27:"custom_rsvp_waitingcapacity";s:1:"0";s:20:"custom_rsvp_template";s:1:"1";s:25:"custom_rsvp_overrideprice";s:0:"";s:29:"custom_rsvp_allowcancellation";s:1:"0";s:24:"custom_rsvp_allowchanges";s:1:"1";s:22:"custom_rsvp_allrepeats";s:1:"1";s:25:"custom_rsvp_showattendees";s:1:"0";s:28:"custom_rsvp_conditionsession";s:0:"";s:23:"custom_rsvp_attendintro";s:345:"

To participate in this event please complete the required fields below.  You can register more than one attendee/participants by clicking the "+Add another registrant" button. This information will be shared with the Event Organizer (Note: billing and payment information are not shared).

";s:19:"custom_rsvp_regopen";s:19:"0000-00-00 00:00:00";s:20:"custom_rsvp_regclose";s:19:"0000-00-00 00:00:00";s:23:"custom_rsvp_cancelclose";s:19:"0000-00-00 00:00:00";s:19:"custom_rsvp_invites";s:1:"0";s:22:"custom_rsvp_allinvites";s:1:"1";s:27:"custom_rsvp_hidenoninvitees";s:1:"0";s:19:"custom_rsvp_subject";s:75:"You have been invited to register for the {EVENT} on {DATE}%B %d, %Y{/DATE}";s:19:"custom_rsvp_message";s:774:"

Hello {NAME}

You are invited to register for the {EVENT} that takes place on {DATE}%B %d, %Y{/DATE}.

You can view the event details and confirm your registration by clicking {LINK}here{/LINK}.

If you are receiving this invitation, the event registration may be currently closed to the public. This offer is limited to the link provided and to your specific Email address {EMAIL}.

Let us know if you will be attending! Click your answer below:




";s:26:"custom_rsvp_allowreminders";s:1:"0";s:28:"custom_rsvp_remindallrepeats";s:1:"1";s:26:"custom_rsvp_remindernotice";s:2:"48";s:27:"custom_rsvp_remindersubject";s:50:"Event Reminder : {EVENT} on {DATE}%B %d, %Y{/DATE}";s:27:"custom_rsvp_remindermessage";s:199:"

This is an event reminder for {NAME} for the upcoming event {EVENT} on {DATE}%B %d, %Y{/DATE}.

You may view your event details {LINK}here{/LINK}.

We look forward to seeing you!

";s:19:"custom_upload_file2";s:0:"";s:25:"custom_upload_file2_title";s:0:"";s:19:"custom_upload_file3";s:0:"";s:25:"custom_upload_file3_title";s:0:"";s:19:"custom_upload_file4";s:0:"";s:25:"custom_upload_file4_title";s:0:"";s:19:"custom_upload_file1";s:0:"";s:25:"custom_upload_file1_title";s:0:"";}', '_yup' => '2024', '_mup' => '05', '_dup' => '04', '_ydn' => '2024', '_mdn' => '05', '_ddn' => '04', '_hup' => 10, '_minup' => 0, '_sup' => 0, '_hdn' => 23, '_mindn' => 59, '_sdn' => 59, '_interval' => 1, '_content' => '

At Girls on the Run we inspire girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them one of a kind. Trained coaches lead small teams through our research-based curricula which includes dynamic discussions, activities and running games. Over the course of the ten-week program, girls in 3rd-8th grade develop essential skills to help them navigate their worlds and establish a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness. The program culminates with girls positively impacting their communities through a service project and being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5K event.

For more information and to get registered CLICK HERE

', '_title' => 'Girls on the Run 5K', '_publish_up' => '2024-05-04 10:00:00', '_reccurtype' => 0, '_reccurday' => '', '_reccurweekdays' => '', '_reccurweeks' => '', '_alldayevent' => 0, '_unixstarttime' => 1714834800, '_unixendtime' => 1714885199, '_useCatColor' => 1, '_color_bar' => '#ffffff', '_publish_down' => '2024-05-04 23:59:59', '_contactlink' => 'n/a', 'contactlink' => 'Amanda Jerman', 'start_date' => 'Saturday, May 04, 2024', 'start_time' => '10:00am', 'stop_date' => 'Saturday, May 04, 2024', 'stop_time' => '11:59pm', 'stop_time_midnightFix' => '12:00am', 'stop_date_midnightFix' => 'Sunday, May 05, 2024', 'text' => '

At Girls on the Run we inspire girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them one of a kind. Trained coaches lead small teams through our research-based curricula which includes dynamic discussions, activities and running games. Over the course of the ten-week program, girls in 3rd-8th grade develop essential skills to help them navigate their worlds and establish a lifetime appreciation for health and fitness. The program culminates with girls positively impacting their communities through a service project and being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5K event.

For more information and to get registered CLICK HERE

', 'jev_processed' => true, 'jevloc_processed' => true, '_olddtstart' => 1714834800, '_olddtend' => 1714885199, '_oldpu' => '2024-05-04 10:00:00', '_oldpd' => '2024-05-04 23:59:59', 'dtfixed' => 1, '_fixed_dtstart' => 1714834800, '_fixed_dtend' => 1714885199, 'rsvpdata' => (object) array( 'id' => 816, 'ev_id' => 911, 'allowregistration' => 0, 'allowcancellation' => 0, 'allrepeats' => 1, 'invites' => 0, 'showattendees' => 0, 'message' => '

Hello {NAME}

You are invited to register for the {EVENT} that takes place on {DATE}%B %d, %Y{/DATE}.

You can view the event details and confirm your registration by clicking {LINK}here{/LINK}.

If you are receiving this invitation, the event registration may be currently closed to the public. This offer is limited to the link provided and to your specific Email address {EMAIL}.

Let us know if you will be attending! Click your answer below:




', 'subject' => 'You have been invited to register for the {EVENT} on {DATE}%B %d, %Y{/DATE}', 'allowreminders' => 0, 'remindersubject' => 'Event Reminder : {EVENT} on {DATE}%B %d, %Y{/DATE}', 'remindermessage' => '

This is an event reminder for {NAME} for the upcoming event {EVENT} on {DATE}%B %d, %Y{/DATE}.

You may view your event details {LINK}here{/LINK}.

We look forward to seeing you!

', 'remindernotice' => 172800, 'remindallrepeats' => 1, 'hidenoninvitees' => 0, 'allinvites' => 1, 'template' => '1', 'capacity' => 0, 'regclose' => '2024-05-04 10:00:00', 'attendintro' => '

To participate in this event please complete the required fields below.  You can register more than one attendee/participants by clicking the "+Add another registrant" button. This information will be shared with the Event Organizer (Note: billing and payment information are not shared).

', 'regopen' => '2024-03-01 05:00:00', 'cancelclose' => '2024-05-04 10:00:00', 'waitingcapacity' => 0, 'overrideprice' => '', 'initialstate' => 1, 'params' => '', 'allowchanges' => 1, 'sessionaccess' => -1, 'sessionaccessmessage' => '', 'conditionsession' => '', ), 'attendancedata' => '', '_jevpeople' => array ( ), '_jevpeopletext' => '', '_locationaddress' => 'GOTR - MO State University, 850 South Kings Avenue, MO', '_locationsummary' => 'GOTR - MO State University
850 South Kings Avenue

West of McDonald Arena

', '_jevlocation' => (object) array( 'loc_id' => 104, 'title' => 'GOTR - MO State University', 'alias' => 'gotr-mo-state-university', 'street' => '850 South Kings Avenue', 'postcode' => '', 'city' => 'Springfield', 'state' => 'MO', 'country' => '', 'image' => '', 'imagetitle' => '', 'description' => '

West of McDonald Arena

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Everyone (male, female, young and old) is welcome at the Girls on the Run 5k on May 4, 2024! Runners at all skill levels will enjoy this event as they run alongside participants of the Girls on the Run program in their end of season 5k. This event is family friendly, with our pre-race celebrations starting at 8:30AM followed by the 5K at 10AM

For more information and to get registered CLICK HERE

', 'defaultvalue' => '', 'rawvalue' => '

Everyone (male, female, young and old) is welcome at the Girls on the Run 5k on May 4, 2024! Runners at all skill levels will enjoy this event as they run alongside participants of the Girls on the Run program in their end of season 5k. This event is family friendly, with our pre-race celebrations starting at 8:30AM followed by the 5K at 10AM

For more information and to get registered CLICK HERE

', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Editor', 'name' => 'eventdetails', 'label' => 'Event Details', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '1', 'allowraw' => '1', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Event Details', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '0', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'eventawards' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcfhtml', 'value' => '

Finisher Medals

Overall Male & Female, Masters Male & Female

Top 2 in each Age Division: 14 & Under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & Over

', 'defaultvalue' => '', 'rawvalue' => '

Finisher Medals

Overall Male & Female, Masters Male & Female

Top 2 in each Age Division: 14 & Under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & Over

', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Editor', 'name' => 'eventawards', 'label' => 'Awards & Medals', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '1', 'allowraw' => '1', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Event Details', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '0', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'Event_Status' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcfeventstatus', 'value' => 'EventScheduled', 'defaultvalue' => '1', 'rawvalue' => '1', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'List', 'name' => 'Event_Status', 'label' => 'Event Status', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Event Details', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '1', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'Online_Event_URL' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcfonlineevent', 'value' => '', 'defaultvalue' => '', 'rawvalue' => '', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Text', 'name' => 'Online_Event_URL', 'label' => 'Online Event URL', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Event Details', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'termsofservice' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcftextarea', 'value' => 'Default Terms of Service Agreement', 'defaultvalue' => 'Default Terms of Service Agreement', 'rawvalue' => 'Default Terms of Service Agreement', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Textarea', 'name' => 'termsofservice', 'label' => 'Waiver HTML', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '1', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Event Details', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '0', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'evoportalaccess' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcfradio', 'value' => 'No', 'defaultvalue' => '0', 'rawvalue' => '0', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Radio', 'name' => 'evoportalaccess', 'label' => 'EVO Portal Access', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Race Information', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '0', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'eventnotificationsfrequency' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcfradio', 'value' => 'None', 'defaultvalue' => '0', 'rawvalue' => '0', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Radio', 'name' => 'eventnotificationsfrequency', 'label' => 'Send notifications on', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Race Information', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '0', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'evoscore' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcflist', 'value' => 'None', 'defaultvalue' => '', 'rawvalue' => '0', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'List', 'name' => 'evoscore', 'label' => 'Promotional Score', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Race Information', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '1', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), '' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcfinstruction', 'value' => '<p><hr /></p>', 'defaultvalue' => '<p><hr /></p>', 'rawvalue' => '<p><hr /></p>', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Jevcfinstruction', 'name' => '', 'label' => '', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Race Information', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '1', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'SurveyEnabled' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcfboolean', 'value' => 'Yes', 'defaultvalue' => '1', 'rawvalue' => '1', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Radio', 'name' => 'SurveyEnabled', 'label' => 'Survey Enabled', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Race Information', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '1', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'SurveyExpiration' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcfcalendar', 'value' => '03/01/2024', 'defaultvalue' => 'NOW', 'rawvalue' => '03/01/2024', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Calendar', 'name' => 'SurveyExpiration', 'label' => 'Survey Expiration', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Race Information', 'cf' => 'fieldSurveyEnabled', 'cfvfv' => '1', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'eovinstruction' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcfinstruction', 'value' => 'The survey link generated will use the default Post Race Survey on', 'defaultvalue' => '<p style="margin: 20px 0;" class="alert alert-warning">The survey link generated will use the default Post Race Survey on <a href=""></a></p>', 'rawvalue' => 'The survey link generated will use the default Post Race Survey on', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Jevcfinstruction', 'name' => 'eovinstruction', 'label' => 'Notes', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Race Information', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '1', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'course_elevation' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcftext', 'value' => '0', 'defaultvalue' => '0', 'rawvalue' => '0', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Text', 'name' => 'course_elevation', 'label' => 'Course Elevation Grade', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Course Information', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '1', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'raceresultsflag' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcfboolean', 'value' => 'No', 'defaultvalue' => '0', 'rawvalue' => '0', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Radio', 'name' => 'raceresultsflag', 'label' => 'Publish Results', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Race Results', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '0', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'raceresultsinfo' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcfinstruction', 'value' => 'The following information will be used to compute the appropriate results from the data files uploaded on the next tab.', 'defaultvalue' => '<h5>The following information will be used to compute the appropriate results from the data files uploaded on the next tab.</h5>', 'rawvalue' => 'The following information will be used to compute the appropriate results from the data files uploaded on the next tab.', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Jevcfinstruction', 'name' => 'raceresultsinfo', 'label' => '', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Race Results', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '0', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'racetimingmethod' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcflist', 'value' => 'Chip Start', 'defaultvalue' => '', 'rawvalue' => 'chip', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'List', 'name' => 'racetimingmethod', 'label' => 'Timing method', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Race Results', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '0', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'enableliveresults' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcfradio', 'value' => 'No', 'defaultvalue' => '', 'rawvalue' => '0', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Radio', 'name' => 'enableliveresults', 'label' => 'Enable Live Results', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Race Results', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '1', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'milesplit_enabled' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcfboolean', 'value' => 'No', 'defaultvalue' => '0', 'rawvalue' => '0', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'Radio', 'name' => 'milesplit_enabled', 'label' => 'MileSplit Enabled', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Race Results', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '1', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), 'resultsfiletype' => array ( 'fieldtype' => 'jevcflist', 'value' => 'CSV', 'defaultvalue' => '', 'rawvalue' => '0', 'fieldnamearray' => array ( ), 'type' => 'List', 'name' => 'resultsfiletype', 'label' => 'Results File Type', 'access' => '1', 'readaccess' => '1', 'hiddenvalue' => '', 'userid' => '', 'allowhtml' => '', 'allowraw' => '', 'nlbr' => '', 'group' => 'Race Results', 'cf' => '', 'cfvfv' => '1', 'separaterepeats' => 0, ), ), 'customfieldsummary' => '
Event Details

Everyone (male, female, young and old) is welcome at the Girls on the Run 5k on May 4, 2024! Runners at all skill levels will enjoy this event as they run alongside participants of the Girls on the Run program in their end of season 5k. This event is family friendly, with our pre-race celebrations starting at 8:30AM followed by the 5K at 10AM

For more information and to get registered CLICK HERE

Awards & Medals

Finisher Medals

Overall Male & Female, Masters Male & Female

Top 2 in each Age Division: 14 & Under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & Over

Event StatusEventScheduled
Online Event URL
Waiver HTMLDefault Terms of Service Agreement
EVO Portal AccessNo
Send notifications onNone
Promotional ScoreNone
<p><hr /></p>
Survey EnabledYes
Survey Expiration03/01/2024
NotesThe survey link generated will use the default Post Race Survey on
Course Elevation Grade0
Publish ResultsNo
The following information will be used to compute the appropriate results from the data files uploaded on the next tab.
Timing methodChip Start
Enable Live ResultsNo
MileSplit EnabledNo
Results File TypeCSV
', '_catidsarray' => array ( 0 => 176, ), '_enddate' => '2024-05-04', '_startdate' => '2024-05-04', '_regopen' => '2024-03-01 05:00:00', '_regclose' => '2024-05-04 10:00:00', '_allowregistration' => 0, '_allrepeats' => 1, '_sessionaccess' => -1, ))